Entwicklung + ländlicher raum (dt. Ausgabe 2/2007)

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Beiträge zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit. Zeitschrift für Fach- und Führungskräfte, die im Rahmen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit für den ländlichen Raum tätig sind.
7,00 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern , (Versandkosteninformation)

"Agriculture and Rural Development" – Contributing to International Cooperation, focused on development aid. Each issue examined main topics on e.g. economy and society, economic development in rural areas, democratisation, food aid, and education. Aiming at a global readership, it was distributed in English, French and German. The German issue appeared six times a year, the English and French journals appeared twice a year. More informations at www.rural21.com

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Verlag DLG-Verlag
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